Matías Hernán Arroyo

Hello there
Hernán here

Front-end Developer

Driven by curiosity and a desire to positively influence others through my work.

About me

Curious and passionate Frontend developer with two years of industry experience. Originally from Córdoba, Argentina, I easily adapt to team needs and am committed to achieving business goals. My problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and desire to positively impact those around me make me a valuable asset to any team. I also have a fondness for rubber ducks.

Blue-green rubber duck with tie


As a technology enthusiast, I'm constantly exploring and mastering the latest tools and techniques to enhance my work. In the following section, I will share some of my favorite technologies that I use to deliver innovative solutions and drive business growth.


JavaScript is a versatile language that I use for both front-end and back-end development to create dynamic and interactive web applications.


React is a favorite technology of mine for building fast and responsive user interfaces with its component-based architecture.


Git and GitHub are essential tools for version control and collaboration that I use to manage my code and work effectively with others on projects.

vitest Vitest

Vitest is a testing framework that I use to ensure the high quality of my web projects. Its fast and reliable testing capabilities help me deliver work that meets the highest standards.


Vite provides me with a fast and efficient development environment for my modern web projects. Its advanced features and production optimization help me deliver work quickly.


Astro is a front-end framework that I use to build fast and optimized websites. Its ability to render static HTML and hydrate components on demand helps me deliver high-performance web experiences.


Bash is a powerful scripting language that I use to automate tasks and streamline my workflow. Its versatility and wide range of built-in commands help me work more efficiently.


Figma is a design tool that I use to create and collaborate on user interfaces. Its intuitive interface and real-time collaboration features help me deliver high-quality designs quickly.


The following are some of the projects I have completed. I believe they have helped me gain a better understanding of building APIs, implementing them, and facilitating user interaction.


Local Chabot

A local chatbot application leveraging HTML, JavaScript, the web-llm library, Navigator: gpu property, and Web Workers for portfolio showcase.


Tesla Spain Clone

Carefully crafted Tesla España Landing Page Clone, built using Astro, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind.


List of React Issues

Web application capable of visualizing and filtering Git issues from the React repository. This project utilizes React, Vite, TypeScript, and Bootstrap technologies.


These are my hobbies and some of my favorite things.






These are some of the many people who influenced my training and my way of thinking.

Victor Calabró Image

Víctor Calabró

Web Designer

“Work as a team, be good people, and you will go very very very far.”
“As a programmer, you can do whatever you want.”
Gabriel Morguillo

Gabriel Antonio Morgillo

Computer Engineer

“A team fails when someone is locked out for days and everyone only looks at their own.”
Miguel Ángel Durán Image

Miguel Ángel Durán

Streamer dev

“Programming is not a sprint, it’s a marathon, we have to move our manitas”


Streamer dev

“Worry about the things that interest you.”
Les luthiers

Les Luthiers

Argentine comedy-musical group

“Poetry is what you feel with what you don't know.”
“The confusion is very clear.”
José Raúl Capablanca

José Raúl Capablanca

World Chess Champion (1921 to 1927)

“You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win.”